Tuesday, 19 December 2006

12 weeks old today!

It's taken me a while to get round to setting up my blog as I have been VERY busy in the last month doing some growing and settling in in my new home. I'm now 12 weeks old, which is a bit of a landmark for a puppy cos it means I can go out into the big wide world. I had to have these things called 'injections' first you see - not sure what that meant but I had to go to see this nice man who put me on a table and cuddled me a bit. Everyone said I was very brave but I don't know why?
The best bit about going out so far is the playing. I get to meet other dogs and annoy them for a bit - most seem very friendly. I've been to something called 'the beach' and also 'the park'. Oh, and 'the New Forest' - it didn't seem very new to me?

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