Friday, 5 June 2009

At the polls

I made sure to exercise my constitutional right last night at the polling station. I was going to dress up specially in one of my bandanas but then I realised that they are red or blue. That might say something about my politics and everyone knows a dog should keep that to himself. Come to think of it I don't think I have a bandana the colour of the 'Free Bones for all Dogs' party. DOH! There goes the secrecy.


vigo said...

hey charlie, we are with you on that one!!!!!! free bones for all, including dogs with long fur, small and large. none of this xpenses blabla.

redgirls-in-scotland said...

ooooo - yes - a new political party for dogs (tho pink has ALWAYS been our fave colour) Hey. Who will be our leader? Charlie you should seek nomination. WE will apply to be in your "cabinet" ;>0 Yes. We can hear it now. On television. NOT the Blair babes. Oh no. Charlie's Angels???? from your bored pals in Scotland XXXX

Charlie said...

Mind you think how many bones we could blag on expenses. THOUSANDS I bet. But no, we are above such things. Hrm, how will I raise the money to pay for all these free bones then? Perhaps we could persuade the cows, sheep, chickens etc to donate their bodies when they die? Hrm but greedy capitalist farmers might scupper that selfless act. Hrm, clearly this politics lark requires a bit more thinking than I'm used to. Not sure I'm up for it when there's a nice warm bed to lie in and let breakfast go down...