Tuesday 4 March 2008

Hello all

I'm home! I'm also VERY lively. I think mum thought i'd be all pathetic and sleepy like I was the last time I had to have an op - but this time I'd had a whole night to recover and was VERY pleased to see her - I gave her my best shimmy.

I've had a hole in my insides apparently - and my guts went through it. I didn't have to have any guts removed though which is good cos I need more space for food. I've got a whole bunch of stitches and they have to be in for about 12 days or so and that means NO WALKIES. I don't know how I'm going to cope. I was ready to play with my orange rubber ring last night and that's only after one day...

Anyway I think I missed out - there were rumours of sleeping downstairs all together. Well they decided that cos I was doing so well I could sleep in my bed (some excuse about being worried I would try to jump on their bed cos I shouldn't be jumping). So I did and didn't get up ONCE in the night. I was pleased when it was breakfast time though - i'm STARVING. I get to eat FIVE TIMES A DAY for the next few days - yay!


Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie,

I have posted some mental challenge ideas on the Gunfield forum to keep you occupied whilst you can't be walked.

So glad that you still have all your gut and that you are feeling so well.

Bad luck about not getting to sleep with your mum though :(

All the best

Anonymous said...


My mum agrees with your mum though and says you must not over do it for a while.

Mums can be boring sometimes can't they?


Anonymous said...

Can't believe I missed it all....one minute the blog was about Radio & then the next time I looked all hell had broken loose & more!

Get well soon Bruv!!

Luv n woofs
Yoji xxx

Delilah and Rocket said...

YOU'RE BACK! Good job ole chap! Thank goodness you get to keep your guts. Wish we were closer I'd love to come and romp with you. Do take it easy for a bit and don't twist yourself up again otherwise who would create the mischief for your mum?

ELLIE and SACHA said...


........woof woof woof woof woof woof.......so pleased you are back home and what a relief for everyone, humans and ginger nuts alike.

Keep us informed of your progress...........wet nose kisses

Ellie and Sacha xxx

redgirls-in-scotland said...

Dear little Charlie we are so pleased to hear that you are home and happy. Yey! Enjoy your extra rations and insist on yet more cossetting. Mum says poor sally this all happening exam time. You will be needing your sleep! Hug. XXX

Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie, way to go! You sure do come up with some imaginative(if not risky) ways to get your mum's attention when she's too busy focussing on Exam, whoever he is. Glad to hear you're ok though - perhaps next time you should just break a nail or something (although mum seems to think that is also extreme). God knows...